
As Billy Flynn in 'Chicago' at the Hilo Palace Theater.

Shakespeare in Love (2019)
Jeremy Lee Quinn as Ned Alleyn

Bonnie & Clyde
Bonnie & Clyde (2019)

As Marcus Brutus, Hilo Palace Theater

All I Care About
Billy Flynn, Chicago at The Hilo Palace Theater

Take Me Home (2018)

Roxie and Billy in Chicago

The Hilo Palace theater, Caesar

Take Me Home (2018)

Jeremy Lee Quinn at The Mint, Los Angeles

Take Me Home (2018)
On location in Pico Union, Los Angeles

As Billy Flynn in 'Chicago' at the Hilo Palace Theater.

The Mint Los Angeles

Take Me Home (2018)

The Dig (Mojave, CA)

The Mint (2018)

The Dig (2018)